Scientific economic journal «Intellect ХХІ», founded in 2009 by the National University of Food Technologies

Frequency: 6 times per year

Language of publication: Ukrainian and English languages

Registration of an entity in the field of print media: Decision of the National Council of Ukraine on Television and Radio Broadcasting No. 1787 of 23.05.2024

Media ID: R30-04610

Professional registration (category B): Order of the MES of Ukraine on July 2, 2020, № 886 (Annex №4)

Branch of science: economic

Majors: 051 Economics; 071 Accounting and Taxation; 072 Finance, Banking, Insurance and Stock Market; 073 Management; 076 Business and Trade

ISSN of the print version of the journal: 2415-8801

ISSN of the online version of the journal: 2707-6164

Placing on the website of V.I. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine: Intellect ХХІ
Index Copernicus: Indexed in the ICI Journal Master List
Google Scholar: Intellect ХХІ

Program purposes of the publication: development of education and science, promotion of economic knowledge, shaping of economic thinking, informing the scientific community on the modern researches and developments in the sphere of economics.

Articles by doctors of science, candidates of sciences, young scientists (postgraduates, applicants, students), as well as other persons who have higher education and are engaged in scientific activities, are accepted for publication. The authors shall submit articles that are solely their own original research, following the rules of citation and reference. The submission of knowingly false information or plagiarism is unacceptable and unethical. Also, only articles that have not previously been published in other journals are accepted.

We invite everyone to cooperate with our journal and propose you to publish your articles. This edition is intended not only for scientists but also for practitioners who draw from it much useful for their activities.